Setting up Your Account

Account not set up yet? Students Click here to get your Niagara College Account set up. (Used for Computer Login, Brightspace, Email and MyNC Portal) Information required Enter your Student Number (7 digits) Enter your Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD) Need more information? Click here for more on setting your MyNC Account, Brightspace and Email password. Remember MyNC, Brightspace and your school email will be the same password.   Faculty and Staff Click here to get your Niagara College Account set up. Information required Enter your Given Name (First Name) Enter your Surname (Last Name) Enter your Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)   Password Format: (when setting, changing or resetting forgotten passwords). It must meet 3 of the 4 criteria: 1 uppercase (capital) letter 1 lowercase (small) letter 1 digit 1 special character Other password criteria: Cannot contain more than three letters concurrently of your username Must be a minimum of 8 and a maximum 16 characters Passwords cannot be reused Computing and network users are solely responsible for security on all accounts assigned for their use and are responsible for all actions taken under this account. Secure your password – Do not lend a friend your account by revealing your password, and do not record your password in a notebook. Create a unique password unrelated to yourself. e.g. do not use your student number, your telephone number, a family member, pet’s or close friend’s name.