W212 Conference Room

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About the Room

  • There are two whiteboards; one big and one small in the cabinet
  • Outlets are hard to access, make sure to charge your devices
  • There are 4 hanging mics spaced evenly through the ceiling

podium w212

To start your presentation

Press Start on the touchscreen

*Make sure the cabinet is closed

W212 Start Screen

The screen will automatically come down

screen in W212


Controls for the touchscreen

PC (This one is selected by default)

W212 PC menu

When the PC menu is selected, the display will reflect what you have chosen for your output

  • Duplicate – Shows your desktop on the projector
  • Extend – uses the projector as a second monitor (landscape view)
  • Second Screen only – Displays only on the projector, not the podium


You can quickly switch through views with Win + P on the keyboard


You can also change the Monitor/Projector displays by:

  1. Right-click on the Desktop
  2. Select Display Settings
  3. Choose the desired display
  4. Select Keep Display or Revert




There is an HDMI connection below

example of HDMI cord



You can use this to show demonstrations; the controls allow you to adjust the zoom

 W212 Camera

W212 Camera control



Adjust the settings via the Camera menu

W212 Conference

conference example


Screen Control

*Make sure that the cabinet behind the screen is closed

W212 Screen control



W212 Help


The controls for the unit below

W212 Computer


Join or invite for a Conference

  • Its best if you add whom you will be conferencing with to your contacts list
  • If you have multiple people who are not in your contacts it will become confusing as they are listed as guests


Requesting a Skype Meeting (conference)

  1. Log into Skype for Business
  2. Locate the contact you wish to meet with
  3. Right click the contact and Select Schedule a Meeting
  4. Fill out the Subject, Location, any other information
  5. Click Send


Accepting a Meeting

  1. Log into Outlook
  2. Open the Meeting Request
  3. Accept the Meeting Request
  4. Click Join Skype Meeting
  5. Select the preferred option for chatting
  6. You are now connected


Coming soon. . .

Individual Toll-Free numbers for a better conference experience.

meeting with toll free number example


Click here for the PDF.